The present Cookie Policy provides information regarding the use of Cookies by the web page owned by Papachronopoulos Law Firm Law Firm (hereafter, "Papachronopoulos Law Firm".) By visiting this Website, you agree to accept any changes made to this Policy. The Policy may be subject to amendments from time to time. You are advised to check our Cookie Policy regularly to be informed of any updates.

B. What are cookies

The term «cookie» refers to a small data file consisting solely of a set of text information that the site transmits to the web browser on your computer’s hard disk, either temporarily throughout your visit ("Session Cookies”), or sometimes for longer periods ("Persistent Cookies”), depending on the type of cookie. Cookies perform different operations (for example, you are distinguished from other site’s visitors or remember certain info for you like your preferences) and are used by most websites to improve your user experience.
Each cookie is unique to your browser and contains some anonymous information. A cookie typically contains the name of the cookie field, the cookie’s lifetime, and a value (usually in the form of a randomly generated unique number).

C. Types of cookies

The basic types of cookies are the following:

Session cookies
These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your device’s browser only during your visit and are deleted when you close the browser.

Persistent cookies
These remain in the cookie file of your device’s browser even after the browser closes, sometimes for one year or more (the exact length of stay depends on the lifetime of each cookie). Permanent cookies are used when the site administrator may need to know who you are for more than one visit (e.g., to remember your site configuration preferences).

First-party cookies
These are cookies installed on your browser and/or hard drive of your device from the site you are visiting. This includes assigning a unique ID to you, in order to monitor your site navigation. Site creators often use first-party cookies to handle visits and for identification purposes.

Third-party cookies
These are cookies used by third parties, such as social networks to track your visits to the various sites they advertise. The site administrator has no control over these third-party cookies. By accessing such third party links and/or websites, you are subject to the cookies policy of such third party and proceed exclusively on your own responsibility.

D. Cookies collected by the present website

We use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience for this websites visitors. The cookies collected by the present website are the following:

I. Strictly necessary cookies: the absolutely necessary cookies allowing you to access the website and use the requested services through it (ex. Cookie banner acceptance/selection).
II. Performance cookies: cookies collecting information as to how users use the website, ex. for the collection of statistics (namely, how many visitors viewed certain pages of our website)
III. Functionality Cookies: cookies enabling us to personalize content for you and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language).
IV. Third Party Cookies: cookies to help you interact with social media accounts, third party content or links to third party websites (e.g. "plugins” of Linkedin etc.). By accessing such third-party links and/or websites, you are subject to the cookies policy of such third party.

E. Managing cookies

Website traffic monitoring- google analytics cookies
We use Google Analytics for tracking visitors and aggregating information about the traffic to our websites.

Google Analytics cookies are performance analytics/logging cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our site. These cookies can inform us on how many visitors use the site, the visit’s time and duration, and also provide information on how visitors navigate across the site. This information helps us improve the way our website works. This is anonymous information and does not contain personal information. The information collected by the Google Analytics cookies about our website is transferred and stored on Google’s servers in accordance with Google’s privacy policy.

This service is tracking the IP address of the visitor and collects various data like geographic location, device information etc. Google is a third data processor that is compliant with the requirements of European legislation and in no way, do we have access to this information in order to identify you. Additionally, we use the anonymization IP option on our tracking code (you can read more about this here).

For more information on Google Analytics, please visit the relevant Google Analytics website.You can learn more about how to opt-out of tracking in Google Analytics and disable Google Analytics tracking by clicking here.

If you disable these cookies, your activity will not be counted or used in the statistics we collect to improve the services we provide through this site. Website functionality will not be affected. You can learn more about handling certain types of cookies by clicking here:

Please note, you may disable/ enable the downloading of cookies on your device at any given time, by changing the settings of your browser.

F. Personal data

For more information about our approach to the protection of your personal data please read our Data Protection Policy.

G. Contact us

If users have any questions about this Policy or complaint about how we process their data, they can contact us:

By email:
By filling and submitting our contact form
By phone number: +30 2103607831/ 2103602865

LAST UPDATE: 25/01/2023