A. Preamble

The present Policy intends to inform visitors of this Website about how Papachronopoulos Law Firm(hereinafter, Papachronopoulos Law Firm) collects and processes data that we receive via our website and the contact form incorporated in it, the purposes of the processing, the recipients and the rights of this website’s users.

At Papachronopoulos Law Firm we are committed to protecting the personal data of both our customers and our employees. To that purpose we undertake any and all necessary technical and organizational measures, in compliance with applicable national and European laws, including Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), in order to be in a position to guarantee, at any given time, the protection of all personal data processed by our law firm.
This Policy may be subject to modifications. We advise you to regularly check its contents to remain informed and updated on any amendments. By visiting and navigating through our website, you agree to this Personal Data Protection Policy as in force at the time.

B. Data we collect

i. Contact form

Visitors using this Website, may choose to contact Papachronopoulos Law Firm by using the contact form available on our website. When so doing, they provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify them. Such information may include, but is not limited to:
- Email address/ First name and last name/ Phone number/ email/ Content included in the contact form

ii. Automatically

When using the present Website, usage data is also collected automatically.

Usage Data may include information such as User Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Website that users visit, the time and date of users visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

We may also collect information that user’s browser sends whenever users visit our Website or when user access the Website by or through a mobile device.

This information is collected by using Cookies & other similar tracking technologies. We strongly advise you to review our Cookies Policy here to learn more about Cookies, how we use them and how you can control the use of Cookies.

C. Why We Use Your Personal Data and who we share it with

Data collected on our Website will only be used for the purposes specified in this Policy or indicated on the relevant pages of our Website. We will not use our website visitors’ data beyond what we disclose in this Privacy Policy nor will you be required to provide us with any further personal data to access any area of this website.

The data we collect is used for the following purposes:

- Communication: We may use the information provided via the contact form to communicate with you, if you have so requested. In that case, the legal basis for processing your personal data will be the handling of your request and our overriding legitimate business interest to properly handle messages or queries submitted by third parties.

-Improvement of services: We maintain data to produce statistics that allow us to better assess how visitors interact with our Website and to improve its content and structure.

-Legal Obligations: When a legal obligation is in place, we may be required to provide your data to competent authorities. We will maintain and process your data to the extent necessary to establish, exercise or support legal claims and our legal rights.
Access to your data may only be provided to duly authorised members of Papachronopoulos Law Firm business partners who act on our behalf for the above purposes of processing, by offering us IT services and/or services related to the operation of our website. In case that we transfer your personal data to service providers which are located outside the European Union and the European Economic Area, we will do so in full compliance with the data protection legislation and on the basis of an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission or other sufficient safeguards, including the execution of model clauses with the services providers receiving your personal data.

If users follow hyperlinks from our Website to another Website, they should be informed that we are not responsible for and have no control over their privacy policies and practice.

D. How Long We Store Users’ Personal Data

Our retention periods are based on criteria that include legally mandated retention periods and pending or potential litigation. We will retain your data for the period required to respond to your contact request and for one (1) year after completing processing and archiving of your request.

E. Your rights

As our website visitor, you have the following rights:

Right to be informed
You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data.

Right of Access
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not Personal Data concerning you are being processed, and to gain access to that personal data in a concise, intelligible, transparent, and easily accessible form.

Right to Rectification
You may request that the Law Firm -without undue delay- proceeds in the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

Right to Erasure
You have the right to request the erasure of personal data concerning you by the Law Firm, without undue delay, subject to the conditions set by law.

Right to Restriction
You shall have the right to request the Law Firm to restrict its processing activities only to specific purposes, subject to the conditions set by law.

Right to Object
You have the right to object on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time, to the processing of personal data concerning you. The Law Firm shall then no longer process the personal data unless it demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

Right to Portability
You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to the Law Firm, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the Law Firm.

Right to withdraw consent
You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, when processing is based on consent (ex. Cookies).

F. Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 16. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us. In case we are informed that we have collected personal data from a child under 16 years of age, the personal data will be deleted as soon as possible.

G. Privacy Policy Modifications

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time, in order to maintain compliance with the law and reflect any changes to our data collection process. In case we amend this Policy, we will update the "Effective Date” mentioned at the bottom of this page.
We recommend that our Website users periodically review our Policy to ensure that they are informed of any updates.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy or complaint about how we process their data, you can contact us:
By email:
By visiting this page on our website: and completing the contact form.
By phone: +30 2103607831/ 2103602865
You may lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority if you consider that Papachronopoulos & Associates, processes your personal data in a way that infringes on applicable law.

LAST UPDATE: 25/01/2023