
Born in Athens in 1999

High School Diploma from Athens College in 2017

Graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens in 2021 (First Class Honours)

LLM from the Faculty of Law of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in 2023 (First Class Honours; supervising Professor: Professor Dr. Hans Christoph Grigoleit)

Since 2023 PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (supervising Professor: Professor Dr. Hans Christoph Grigoleit; PhD thesis topic: Civil Liability for Autonomous Systems)




  1. The civil liability of the air carrier for death or (bodily) injury of a passenger under the Montreal International Convention (Law 3006/2002) - At the same time, an attempt re-approach the conditions of its implementation, in Peiraiki Nomologia (ΠειρΝ) 2020, pp. 213-221,
  2. The legal consequences of self-imperilment and self-harm in private insurance law, according to the Insurance Contract Act (ICA), in Dikaio Epicheiriseon kai Etaireion (ΔΕΕ) 2021, pp. 182-193,
  3. Crowdworking: searching for the dependence, in De Jure 2021, pp. 153-157,
  4. The grounds for disinheritance according to articles 1840 and 1845 of the Greek Civil Code, in Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou kai Politikis Dikonomias (ΕφΑΔΠολΔ) 2021, pp. 1014-1028,
  5. Suicide of the insured: head-on collision with the principle of forbidding fraudulence or reasonable legislative manoeuvre?, in Dikaio Epicheiriseon kai Etaireion (ΔΕΕ) 2022, pp. 17-24,
  6. Joinder of parties in relation to co-insurance, in Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou kai Politikis Dikonomias (ΕφΑΔΠολΔ) 2022, pp. 1011-1015
  7. Contribution to the interpretation of article 600 of the Greek Civil Code – Historical, doctrinal and comparative examination of the regulation, in Elliniki Dikaiosini (ΕλλΔνη), 2022, pp. 1322-1337,
  8. Application for the reopening of proceedings of an irrevocable decision?, in Theoria kai Praxi Dioikitikou Dikaiou (ΘΠΔΔ) 2023, 116-120,
  9. Donatio mortis causa and her revocation – Simultaneously a contribution to the interpretation of article 512 of the Greek Civil Code, in Chronika Idiotikou Dikaiou (ΧρΙΔ) 2023, 74-80,
  10. Do autonomous systems claim legal capacity?, in Chronika Idiotikou Dikaiou (ΧρΙΔ) 2023, 714-720,
  11. Commenting on Court Decision 529/2018 of the Supreme Civil Court of Greece, in Episkopisi Emporikou Dikaiou (ΕπισκΕΔ) 2019, pp. 562-567, co-authorship with N. Papachronopoulos,
  12. Commenting on Court Decision 3289/2018 of the Court of Appeal of Athens, in Epitheorisi Dikaiou Idiotikis Asfaliseos (Επι.Δικ.Ι.Α.) 2020, pp. 165-174,
  13. Commenting on Court Decision 10154/2020 of the Single-member Court of First Instance of Thessalonica, in Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou kai Politikis Dikonomias (ΕφΑΔΠολΔ) 2020, pp. 1291-1295.


  1. Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs auf Versicherungsverträge nach griechischem Recht, in: Ukraine-Krieg und Recht (UKuR) 2022, 645-649,
  2. Entziehung des Pflichtteils wegen eines Verbrechens oder eines schweren vorsätzlichen Vergehens ohne strafgerichtliche Verurteilung?, in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte erbrechtliche Praxis (ErbR) 2023, 346-350.