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  1. The civil liability of the air carrier for death or (bodily) injury of a passenger under the Montreal International Convention (Law 3006/2002) - At the same time, an attempt re-approach the conditions of its implementation, in Peiraiki Nomologia (ΠειρΝ) 2020, pp. 213-221,
  2. The legal consequences of self-imperilment and self-harm in private insurance law, according to the Insurance Contract Act (ICA), in Dikaio Epicheiriseon kai Etaireion (ΔΕΕ) 2021, pp. 182-193,
  3. Crowdworking: searching for the dependence, in De Jure 2021, pp. 153-157,
  4. The grounds for disinheritance according to articles 1840 and 1845 of the Greek Civil Code, in Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou kai Politikis Dikonomias (ΕφΑΔΠολΔ) 2021, pp. 1014-1028,
  5. Suicide of the insured: head-on collision with the principle of forbidding fraudulence or reasonable legislative manoeuvre?, in Dikaio Epicheiriseon kai Etaireion (ΔΕΕ) 2022, pp. 17-24,
  6. Joinder of parties in relation to co-insurance, in Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou kai Politikis Dikonomias (ΕφΑΔΠολΔ) 2022, pp. 1011-1015
  7. Contribution to the interpretation of article 600 of the Greek Civil Code – Historical, doctrinal and comparative examination of the regulation, in Elliniki Dikaiosini (ΕλλΔνη), 2022, pp. 1322-1337,
  8. Application for the reopening of proceedings of an irrevocable decision?, in Theoria kai Praxi Dioikitikou Dikaiou (ΘΠΔΔ) 2023, 116-120,
  9. Donatio mortis causa and her revocation – Simultaneously a contribution to the interpretation of article 512 of the Greek Civil Code, in Chronika Idiotikou Dikaiou (ΧρΙΔ) 2023, 74-80,
  10. Do autonomous systems claim legal capacity?, in Chronika Idiotikou Dikaiou (ΧρΙΔ) 2023, 714-720,
  11. Commenting on Court Decision 529/2018 of the Supreme Civil Court of Greece, in Episkopisi Emporikou Dikaiou (ΕπισκΕΔ) 2019, pp. 562-567, co-authorship with N. Papachronopoulos,
  12. Commenting on Court Decision 3289/2018 of the Court of Appeal of Athens, in Epitheorisi Dikaiou Idiotikis Asfaliseos (Επι.Δικ.Ι.Α.) 2020, pp. 165-174,
  13. Commenting on Court Decision 10154/2020 of the Single-member Court of First Instance of Thessalonica, in Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou kai Politikis Dikonomias (ΕφΑΔΠολΔ) 2020, pp. 1291-1295.


  1. Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs auf Versicherungsverträge nach griechischem Recht, in: Ukraine-Krieg und Recht (UKuR) 2022, 645-649,
  2. Entziehung des Pflichtteils wegen eines Verbrechens oder eines schweren vorsätzlichen Vergehens ohne strafgerichtliche Verurteilung?, in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte erbrechtliche Praxis (ErbR) 2023, 346-350.